Speaking to your audience

We know there’s a lot of information to send out in the lead up to any large event so Aftergame will be one heading among many. As you almost certainly know, it takes several instances (conventional wisdom says up to seven) of seeing something new before a person engages with it. Sometimes board gamers are excited about advancements in their gaming lifestyle and sometimes they’re content doing things the way they’ve been doing them for fifty years and worried about learning a new way. You know best what kind of audience you have and the best way to reach them.

We have some sample posts you can use and edit but the best thing is for the post to be in your own words so it fits your style of communication and your use cases.

Media Schedule

Here is suggested a media schedule based on what has been successful at previous conventions. These posts would be in addition to brief mentions in a few other places to bring us closer to that coveted seven instances. Obviously, it will look very different depending on your conventions (pun intended) and norms so use it however you like.

<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_blue.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Make sure any of the points above are true before you post about them, primarily that you have actually set up some games in the event before you send people there to check out the games on offer.
