How to log a play in Aftergame

The easiest way to log a game is from the Home page. Apart from entering the game you played, everything else is optional and only needs to be filled if you’re interested in the stats that will be generated.

<aside> <img src="/icons/report_blue.svg" alt="/icons/report_blue.svg" width="40px" /> If you’re logging from a Planned Game, many fields will be pre-filled for you.


  1. ▷ - When you open Aftergame, tap ▷Log Play at the bottom of the screen or from any game page. (If you’ve done any scrolling, the button may just appear as ▷.)
  2. Choose the game - You can type the name in the search box at the top or scroll through a selection of games from your collections.
  3. Expansions - Once you’ve selected the game, you have the option to add expansions if applicable.
  4. Date - Above the game, you’ll see the date, which will be auto-filled to reflect the current date but you can change it if you’re logging a game that happened before today.
  5. Duration - There’s a spot above where the game appears to enter the duration of your game. Tap Duration to enter the number of hours and minutes the game took to play.
  6. Add players - This may mean selecting the friends you played with or creating a guest player for a friend who isn’t on Aftergame. If you do create a player, you can connect them to a real person later on.


  1. Who won? - Once the players have been selected, you can enter scores, choose Won/Lost/Draw, enter Roles, or pick the team that won. Depending on the game, the results that should be recorded will differ greatly, but we’ve made it easy for you. All the appropriate boxes should be there to fill in.
  2. Location - You can create and save locations so you don’t have to type things each time. Just select the location from the list; you can call them whatever you like.
  3. Notes - This spot is just for noting anything else from the game that you’d like to remember. It might be a note about a funny moment, a reminder of an anomalous situation that arose, a light jab at a friend who took a bad risk, anything.
  4. Save - When you’re ready, tap Create play log at the top of the screen.

Once you’ve saved the play log, it will show up for the friends you played with. Anyone connected with the log can edit the details, which will be edited for everyone.