<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_blue.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_blue.svg" width="40px" /> For small events, this feature requires that someone on the admin team is an Aftergame+ subscriber. For large events, this feature will be included in your package.


By setting up game lists for your event it will make it easier for your team and your players to start planning games in advance and getting excited for the new games they will be able to try. It might even help encourage some publishers to send you a free game or two if their games are missing from the list.

Your list must be created in one of your admins accounts. Once the list is created it can be linked to the event.

The admin who created the list can continue editing the event’s game list by editing the linked list.

Multiple lists can be connected. For example, you might have a Game Library and a Play-to-Win.

Linking a list

You can add your list while creating your event. If you have already created your event, tap the edit button at the top to add the event game list.

  1. Tap Event game lists to open the list of your collections.
  2. Tap the list(s) you’d like to link.
    1. You can also create a new list by tapping New list and entering the details.

Change which lists are attached any time by editing the event.
