How to Plan a Game on Aftergame

<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_blue.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_blue.svg" width="40px" /> If you’re planning a game for a larger event or convention, first tap into the event then on the Plan a Game button to ensure your game shows up in the right place. More on conventions at the bottom of the page.


To Plan a Game, fill in the details. Some boxes will be auto-filled once you select your game.

  1. Game

    Type in the text box to find the game you want to play, then select any expansions that you’ll be adding in.

  2. Basic Game Info

    The default settings are that the game is a regular game open to everyone regardless of their experience level, the game will accommodate the minimum and maximum listed on the box, and you expect the game will take the amount of time the box says it will. If you would like to change any of these settings, tap anywhere in the basic game info bar to open and edit those details. If you tap on the box, you can then tap on any of the following to change them:


  1. Event Name

    You can change the name by tapping on the text box and typing a new name. You might for example, change “Carcassonne” to “Carcassonne - best of three”.

  2. Description

    In the description, you can explain what “best of three” means in this context. Tap on the text box to explain yourself.

    This box is also useful to give any additional info to people joining your game. Some types of things you might like to note:

  3. Date and Time

    Make sure you double check AM/PM.

  4. Location

    You can enter the name of a public space (cafe, library, community centre) or put your own address depending on where you’re playing. If you’re hosting the game at your house, you can set it so that only your neighbourhood will be shown to people browsing the Planned Game list. Once a person joins your game, you can send them more details.

  5. Privacy

    Tap Who can see it? to change your privacy settings for this event.

    1. Private - event will be visible only to the people you invite
    2. Group - event will be visible only to the people in your group (only applicable if your game is hosted by a group or set up to happen at an event hosted by a group)
    3. Public - event will be visible to everyone in your area
  6. More Options

If you’re just planning a regular game night, you don’t need to fill in this box. If your game is ticketed, you can tap the text box to add a link to the tickets.

Create your game

Once you’ve entered all the details, tap Create event in the top right corner. This will make the game visible to the proper people depending on your privacy setting and if you’re planning it as part of a larger event. If you’ve set the game to Public, anyone in the area with your game on their Want to Play list will get a notification that a game has been planned nearby.

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" /> You can quickly log the game from the planned game page. The players, game, location, and expansions will be auto-filled so you just need to enter scores and/or any other details you want to track!


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