We have found that sharing an empty event is not effective. You want anyone viewing your event to have something to look at. Ideally, they see something exciting and claim a seat, confirming that they will be attending your event. It may also inspire them to plan one of their own. You can plan several different types of games depending on the type of event you’re planning:
Games planned by you or your admins will display your group’s logo and will be considered Official Games for the purposes of searching games with the Official filter turned on.
Don’t neglect your socials calendar. Getting attendees onboard early ensures everyone has a chance to play something they’re really excited about.
Make sure your team is familiar with how you’re using Aftergame. If you’ve planned a bunch of learn to plays, your team should be able to help people join a game. If you’ve added your games library, your team should be able to show people how to use it to find out what games are available. If you’re hosting a Play-to-Win, your team should know how to help people if they’re having trouble submitting their entries.
While we obviously love when people join Aftergame, if someone is having technical issues setting up an account (it’s rare but does happen occasionally) the focus should be on enabling that person to still do the thing they’re trying to do through the app. If they want to make an account to look for a game to join, you can look on your app to see what’s available and help them join a table.
Sometimes there’s some resistance from folks who don’t want to get another app just to use at a convention. We’ve found that working some of the things you can do outside of an event setting (shared game logs, finding people to play games with, joining groups, etc.) into your messaging can ease the weariness for a lot of people. It’s an app with ongoing uses and benefits PLUS you can use it at events you attend AND it’s free.